The challenges of being a yoga teacher (that no one talks about).

For Yogis who go out of their way to help those who come to them, fatigue always eats us. It is an occupational hazard of a yoga teacher. So we have to accept the fatigue and reapply ourselves with intense awareness to regenerate the body and to gain back energy. Awareness in action brings back energy and rejuvenates the mind. Awareness brings life. - B.K.S Iyengar.

Welcome to the untold side of being a yoga teacher - a side that often gets eclipsed by the allure of the practice, the idyllic imagery, and the perceived serenity that shrouds the profession. While it's undeniable that teaching yoga is a rewarding and deeply fulfilling vocation, it comes with its unique set of challenges. This post aims to shed light on these often overlooked aspects, offering a more realistic perspective of what it means to walk the path of a yoga teacher.

  1. The “Always Zen” Myth. It's a common misconception that yoga teachers exist in a perpetual state of tranquillity. While they might be proficient at managing stress levels through their yoga practice, they are just as susceptible to life's many ups and downs as the rest of us. Their teachings often encourage balance and peace, but it's essential to remember they are not immune to human frustrations, anxieties, and errors. Demystifying this myth allows for a more realistic understanding of yoga teachers.

  2. The Earnings Equation. In bustling cities like London, yoga teachers typically pull in an average pre-tax fee of £30-40 per class. The high cost of living in such areas often forces many to teach an exorbitant number of classes or seek additional income to make ends meet. This economic reality adds a significant layer of pressure on their shoulders, pushing them to constantly balance between financial stability and personal wellbeing.

  3. Navigating the Digital Domain. In the era of digitisation, yoga teachers often feel hard-pressed to establish an online presence. This shift demands a level of digital proficiency that might not come naturally to everyone, thus adding a new level of complexity to their role. While navigating this digital landscape can be challenging, it offers an opportunity to reach a wider audience, expanding their impact beyond physical boundaries.

  4. Work-Life Balance in Freelance. Freelancing, a common scenario for yoga teachers, comes with its own set of challenges. The lack of traditional employment benefits like annual leave, maternity leave, sick days, and minimal job security can be daunting. This lack of a safety net, combined with the pressure to continually find and retain students, can lead to a high-stress environment, taking a toll on their mental health and personal life.

  5. External Expectations and Pressures. Society often pigeonholes yoga teachers into a narrow stereotype - white, thin, blonde, and flexible. This narrow view can lead to a sense of self-doubt and/ or imposter syndrome in teachers who do not fit this mold. Challenging these stereotypes and advocating for diversity in the yoga community is crucial for a more inclusive, respectful, and authentic practice, empowering teachers to embrace their unique identities.

  6. Wearing Many Hats. As a yoga teacher, one often has to juggle numerous roles: devising immaculate sequences, delivering accurate adjustments, quoting inspiring words of wisdom, discussing philosophy, and even chanting in Sanskrit. This multi-tasking can be rewarding, but it also adds to the demands of their role. Striking a balance between these diverse responsibilities and maintaining their authenticity can be a fine art, requiring constant awareness and adjustment.

  7. Establishing Boundaries. Drawing a clear line between professional and personal spaces can be a complex task for yoga teachers. While yoga classes can create an intimate environment, it's crucial to remember that yoga teachers aren't therapists. They need to navigate this delicate balance with care and discernment, ensuring a safe and respectful space for their students while protecting their own personal boundaries.

  8. Balancing Tradition and Innovation. Upholding the age-old traditions of yoga while adapting to modern tastes is a challenging task for yoga teachers. They are often tasked with preserving the profound wisdom and practices of yoga while making their classes relevant and appealing to a diverse audience. This requires a delicate balance, an understanding of yoga's rich history, and a creative, open-minded approach to teaching.

  9. Managing Energy Levels. Teaching yoga goes beyond the physical—it's also an emotional and spiritual endeavour. Yoga teachers have to regulate their energy levels to avoid burnout while keeping their students motivated and engaged. This balancing act calls for self-awareness, self-care, and a well-grounded personal practice.

  10. Constant Learning Curve. The world of yoga is a vast and diverse field, with a plethora of styles, teachings, and philosophies. For yoga teachers, this means embarking on a continuous journey of learning and growth. This journey, while enriching and enlightening, can also feel overwhelming at times. The pressure to stay abreast of new developments while deepening their understanding of ancient teachings can be intense. However, this constant learning is integral to their personal and professional development. It's a journey that not only shapes their practice and teachings but also nurtures their personal growth and evolution. This continual learning, while daunting, is also a testament to the depth and richness of yoga, underscoring the enduring appeal of this ancient practice.

Ready to delve into the complexities of the wellness world and navigate the  unspoken challenges of being a yoga teacher? Join our upcoming 200-hour Teacher Training Course, starting September 8th. Beyond mastering the art of asana, we’ll provide you with the knowledge and tolls to thrive in the yoga industry.


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