A chat with our Psychology Module facilitator, Josh Dickson.

Meet Josh, accredited therapist and facilitator of our High Yoga’s Psychology module.

A lot of people come to yoga for psychological healing reasons, and you will get people who are going to have very strong reactions to certain elements of the class. Not just joyful reactions, but there can be tears, panic attacks, people zoning out and so on… because yoga is powerful.

We feel it is incredibly important to equip future yoga teachers with the knowledge and tools to know what to do when students feel emotionally overwhelmed. What language should you use? How do you set and hold boundaries? How can you ground yourself? Ready to take the leap? Our next teacher training starts March 2022. Applications are open. Get in touch via our contact page.


Finding your unique voice through intelligent vinyasa sequencing.


Teacher Training Testimonial by Louis Walcott